SSI, Medicaid & Nursing Homes Updates for Guardianship Practitioners

COVID-19 Economic Impact Payments are NOT Income or Resources to SSI Recipients

The Social Security Administration announced that Supplemental Security Income (SSI) recipients with no qualifying children will automatically receive their $1,200.00 COVID-19 economic impact payments by early May 2020. The payments will be made to recipients in the same manner that they normally receive their SSI benefits, i.e., through direct deposit, debit card or paper check.  SSI recipients with children under the age of seventeen who qualify for the payment must enter the following information online on a portal on the IRS website:

  • Full name(s);
  • Social Security number(s) for spouses and dependents
  • Mailing address
  • Bank account information, i.e. routing number and account number.

In addition to the individual $1,200.00 payment, those with qualifying children will receive $500.00 per dependent child.  At least for purposes of the Social Security Administration, COVID-19 economic impact payments will not be considered income to SSI recipients, and are not considered resources for a one-year period.

 Nursing Homes Required to Inform Patients & Families of CVID-19 Cases

 We have read the devastating headlines about the deadly toll COVID-19 has taken in nursing homes across the country. Often, families of the residents and workers in such facilities were not aware that there COVID-19 positive cases inside the facility.  The Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services has issued requirements for nursing homes to provide notification to residents and their families of COVID-19 cases among residents and staff. The reporting requirement also includes reporting to the Centers for Disease Control, and reinforce existing guidelines to report infectious diseases to state and local authorities. The regulations cover both confirmed cases of COVID-19, and persons under investigation of having COVID-19. Failure to comply with the reporting requirements subject the nursing homes to enforcement action, and the CDC will engage in ongoing monitoring to ensure compliance.

New York City Medicaid Applications: Where to Apply

  • You can fax a Medicaid application to: 917-639-0732.
  • You can mail a Medicaid application to: HRA–Central Medicaid Unit, 785 Atlantic Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11238.
  • If you have an Immediate Need for home care, you can submit the entire Medicaid application and home care request by fax to: 917-639-0665.
  • If you are applying for Medicaid in order to enroll in an MLTC plan, mail your application to: HRA–HCSP Central Medicaid Unit, 785 Atlantic Avenue, 7th Floor, Brooklyn, NY 11238.
  • To apply in person, there is one Medicaid office open in each borough.

New York Office
52 Duane St, 7th Floor
New York, NY 10007
By Appointment Only

Tampa office
1725 East Fifth Avenue
Tampa, FL 33605
By Appointment Only